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Spring Expansion Capsule

Cherish spring and expand our Year-Round Core Capsule with 15 handpicked, high quality items specifically for spring—or buy the seasonal capsule alone. Includes 30 outfit options just from the items in this capsule + 15 additional outfits mixed with the Year-Round Core Capsule. From casual to more formal, always with an effortless look.

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After purchase, you will instantly receive a download link to your beautifully designed Capsule Wardrobe PDF, which includes a collection of carefully selected items and pre-made outfits. Links to items are included in the file.

Due to the way our system is set up, you'll need to buy each capsule individually. We apologize for the inconvenience and offer -25% to make up for it.

Verified Customer Reviews

I’ve had this vague idea of my perfect wardrobe in mind for years, but I haven’t really been able to visualize it, let alone put it together in a way where pieces mix and match well. This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for. Your capsules solve this completely. I’m going to do a few changes, but that’s easy.

Gabriella F.

Gives me much needed validation for how to combine outfits. Like, I could’ve put these outfits together myself, but would’ve second guessed myself countless times. Thank you!

Anna A.

Huge help for outfit ideas and packing for travel. Love the linked brands too!

Stephanie G.

I haven’t even bought any of the items yet, just the outfit examples alone have “unlocked” lots of new outfits from my current wardrobe.

Sarah J.

I bought both the year-round core capsule as well as the fall expansion capsule and really love how they work together. I’ll probably buy the winter capsule too a bit later. Excited to start making the necessary decluttering and additions for my wardrobe!

Sarah R.

Truly the perfect foundation for a wardrobe I’ve always wanted! I appreciate the links too. I own some similar alternatives already and prefer shopping locally, but your suggestions will be a good backup. Thank you!

Maryam K.

I remember your earlier capsules, and these new ones are even better! At least the core and fall ones I got. Really feels like a “shortcut“ to being stylish. Not every outfit is for me, but there are so many that it’s definitely enough.

Claire B.

The capsule I bought gave me lots of ideas. Very practical. The outfits are timeless, and the links are handy.

Karen J.

I’m in South Korea, so some of the brands linked here aren’t available for me, but I can probably find the missing pieces myself. The capsule pdf is still VERY useful. I could never in a million years put together a wardrobe that works so well. The outfits are great and easy to copy. But because of the links I give it 4 stars.

Hana Y.

This gives me the blueprint for a simple wardrobe I’ve always wanted + more outfit ideas I will ever need. Good value for the money.

Marie M.

Product Specifications

Scales to all devices

Plan your outfits of the week on your laptop or use as your shopping companion on your phone.

High resolution images

Easily visualize the outfits in real life with crisp, perfectly cut, and carefully assembled outfit images.

Links to all items

Click/tap on items in the full wardrobe view, or any single outfit, for easy access.

Instant download

After payment, you get an instant link by email to download your premium PDF.


What is a capsule wardrobe?

A capsule wardrobe is a minimalist approach to fashion, where you curate a small collection of timeless, versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched. It's designed to reduce clutter, increase outfit combinations, and simplify decision-making.

Who is this for?

For all women who enjoy classic simplicity and elegance in style, and who wants to minimize their wardrobes.

How strictly should I follow the capsules?

Your final real-life wardrobe will depend on your lifestyle needs and personal preferences. Use our capsules as a starting point and add the finishing touches yourself.

Do I need to overhaul my entire wardrobe to use your capsules?

Absolutely not. While our capsules offer a "fresh start," they can also easily be integrated with your existing wardrobe. You can start by pairing capsule items with pieces you already own, adapting outfits as your current wardrobe allows. As you identify gaps or needs, you can then add select key pieces from our capsule to enhance your style. The outfits are timeless, so this guide will serve you well for years to come. There’s no hurry.

How will I receive the capsule?

The buying process goes like this: click/tap buy now, complete the checkout, check your email for a download link, and enjoy the inspiration!

In which countries are the brands you link to?

Mostly Europe and USA, with almost all (if not all) offering sensible international shipping. In any case, the items so classic that you can usually find local options as well.

Are the outfits casual or formal?

There’s a good balance between casual, semi-formal, and formal outfits.

What exactly is included in the item count?

Our categories are: tops, bottoms, layers, dresses, outerwear, shoes, and bags. Here’s what’s not included: underwear, jewelry, activewear, loungewear.