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A simple guide to identifying quality clothing
Developing a keen eye for quality pieces is about understanding the garment and all the things that compose it.
What if I need it someday?
Holding on to things gives us a feeling of safety and control. But having all that stuff in drawers, closets and corners also has its...
5 reasons for investing in quality clothes
In a fleeting culture, choosing quality over quantity is a statement. Here’s why you should be investing in higher-quality items.
Dress how you want to feel—the power of enclothed cognition
You can—and should—use your wardrobe to nudge you toward your ideal self
"I wish Style Fundamentals would’ve existed years ago"
A review of everything I learned from taking the course
How Style Fundamentals helped me dress better (with before and after)
And how the course helped me be a better slow fashion blogger
The subtle art of not being fashionable
Parka goes puffer, mono turns logo. How can we stay sane with all these constantly renewing fashion trends?